Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

Recently, nanosilver is known as an antimicrobial, an additive to food to prevent diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This study is conducted with the aim of evaluating the growth performance and some carcass characteristics, blood structure, and bacteria count of broilers … from which it can be practically applied to the livestock industry.

Ga-thit-cong-nghiep Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

(Copyright by NanoCMM Technology)


This study was performed to study the effect of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on broiler growth performance, carcass characteristics, blood structure and bacteria count of E. coli and lactobacillus. A total of 180 sexless seven-day chicks (Hubbard) were distributed into six groups, each with three copies (10 in each copy). The baseline control diet was supplemented with different AgNP levels (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ppm / kg) during the growth test (7-35 days). Results showed heaviest final body weight and highest gains in body weight were recorded by adding 4 ppm AgNPs / kg.

There was no significant difference in overall feed intake at different levels of AgNPs. The best feed conversion ratio (1.5) was obtained using 4 ppm AgNP / kg compared with all studied treatments. Total serum lipids were significantly reduced in all treatments compared with the control. Cholesterol was significantly reduced in the 2, 4 and 6 ppm AgNPs / kg diets compared with the control. All AgNP levels had a significant decrease in AST except for 6 ppm AgNP. Total serum antioxidant capacity was significantly increased at all AgNP supplementation levels compared with the control, while AgNP 4 ppm recorded the highest value.

In addition, nanosilver increased the European Production Efficiency Index (EPEI) in all treatments compared with controls and 4 ppm AgNP recorded the best EPEI compared to all treatments. Broiler chickens fed varying levels of nano-silver decreased the number of harmful bacteria expressed as E. coli compared with the control and had no effect on the lactobacillus-expressed microbiota. It can be concluded that the best production performance of broilers occurs by adding 4 ppm AgNP / kg in broiler diets. More research should be done in this new research area in the future.


Nanotechnology plays a major role in research areas in avian science. Future challenges of avian science research include: increasing feed efficiency, controlling macronutrients and micronutrients, addressing diseases, targeting drug delivery, promoting increased safe growth, modification of egg ingredients such as full-protein eggs and cholesterol-free eggs, reducing energy and protein wastage for ineffective physiological purposes, thereby increasing feed efficiency and reducing meat prices Poultry.

It can be achieved through the application of nanotechnology and nano immunology in poultry research (Kannaki and Verma, 2006). Silver compounds appear as a potential substitute for some feed additives such as organic acids, oligosaccharides, plant extracts, etc. Concern over the safe use of the additive in livestock is its effective role as an antimicrobial agent, acting selectively against potential pathogens but not surpassing the community of microbes. birth (Fondevila et al., 2009).

It has been shown that the continuous use of antibiotics as growth promoters will induce antibiotic residues in animal tissues and that human consumption of such animal products will likely cause increase antibiotic resistance. The movements of social pressure on food security have claimed tight control and against their use in livestock.

Therefore, the European community has banned the use of antibiotics as growth stimulants since 2006. Therefore, nutritionists try to replace them with various feed additive ingredients such as nano silver, organic acids and probiotics (Leeson, 2007). Andi et al. (2011) reported a significant improvement in weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion rate of broilers fed a diet containing silver nanoparticles. In contrast, Ahmadi and Kurdestani (2010) reported that silver in the form of nanosilver particles (5, 15 and 25 ppm / kg) had no effect on broiler weight gain. However, Ahmadi (2009) reported that 900 ppm AgNP levels had a significant effect on live body weight over 300, 600 ppm AgNPs / kg diet of broilers.

According to Hong et al. (2014), AgNPs are considered as a potential additive for animal feed. Nanosilver  is an effective killer against a broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Burrell et al., 1999), including antibiotic resistant strains (Wright et al., 1999). Sawosz et al. (2007) studied the effects of different levels of colloidal AgNP (diets 0, 5, 15 and 25 mg / kg) on ​​the gut microbiota and duodenal morphology in Quails and they found that The effect of nanosilver particles on the amount of E. coli and other types of gut bacteria was negligible. Hassanabadi et al. (2012) showed that nanosilver improved gut microflora, increased lactobacillus bacteria and decreased E. coli in chicks. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of silver nanoparticles on growth performance, organ weight, bacteriological study and some blood components.

materials and methods to test the nano silver efficiency

This study was carried out with 180 Hubbard broilers (7 days old) at different levels of silver nanoparticles (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ppm / kg diets) over 18 replicates. again. In each clone, 10 chickens were kept with an average weight of 125 g. Each treatment divided into three times. Chicks are fed cornstarch based on a nutritional needs-based diet provided by Hubbard’s strain catalog.

The composition and chemical composition of the basic diet are shown in Table 1. All the management factors such as temperature, light, water, ventilation and vaccination are the same for all methods. treatment. Body weight (BW) and food intake (FI) are recorded every two weeks and an increase in average body weight (BWG), feed conversion rate (FCR) and efficiency index of European production. Europe (EPEI) has been calculated. At the end of the experiment (35 days), three chicks from each treatment were randomized and slaughtered to assess carcass characteristics.

Blood samples were collected in heparinized tubes from 3 chickens / group and plasma was separated to determine the serum content of total protein, albumin, globulin, cholesterol, total lipid, AST, ALT and total resistance. Oxidizing, using commercial kits. Definition and number of gastrointestinal tract bacteria were measured according to Yoon et al. (2007). The obtained data were analyzed statistically using the linear modeling procedure described in the SAS manual (SAS, 1990). Means of treatment differences were examined by Duncan ‘s multidisciplinary test (Duncan, 1955).

Table 1: Dietary composition and calculation analysis for trial initiation and trial completion

Thanh-phan-dinh-duong-trong-che-do-an-cua-ga-thit Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

* Each 3 kg contains: Vit A 12 000 000 IU, Vit D3 2 000 000 IU, Vit E 10g, Vit K3 2 g, Vit B1 1 g, Vit B2 5 g, Vit B6 1.5 g, Vit B12 10 mg, Nicotinic acid 30 g, Pantothenic acid 10 g, Folic acid 1 g, Biotin 50 mg Choline chloride 250 g, Iron 30 g, Copper 10 g, Zinc 50 g, Manganese 60 g, Iodine 1 g, Selenium 0.1 g, Cobalt 0, 1 g and carrier (CaCO3) to 3 kg
** According to the Fodder Ingredients Table for Fodder and Poultry used in Egypt (2001)


Body weight and increase in body weight: The effects of the diet supplementing with different levels of nano silver on body weight (BW) and body weight gain (WG) are shown in Table 2. There was no significant difference between all treatments in terms of baseline body weight (BW1) and (BW3). Meanwhile, the BW4 increased significantly for all treatments except T6 compared with the control group. Heaviest final body weight (BW4) and highest body weight gain (BWG3) were recorded in T3 (4 ppm AgNPs / kg).

Overall body weight gain (OBWG) showed a significant increase for all treatments compared to the control group except T6 (10 ppm). The best BWG recorded with T3 (4 ppm) was 1857 g. All AgNPs levels for all study stages increased body weight and body weight gain compared to control. Similar trends were obtained by Andi et al. (2011) reported that weight gain was significantly increased using nanosil (silver ions and H2O2) for days 1-35 and 1-42 days. Sawosz et al. (2007) demonstrated that when Japanese quail added 5, 15 and 25 mg of AgNP / liter in drinking water, body weight was increased at 25 ppm / kg and lactic acid bacteria increased. Additionally, Ahmadi (2009) reported that the level of 900 ppm of AgNP with live body weight increased significantly compared to the control group.

On the other hand, Ahmadi (2011) showed that nano-silver had no significant effect on growth performance compared to the control group using AgNPs at 20, 40 and 60 ppm / kg diets. In this connection, Ahmadi and Rahimi (2011) studied the effects of AgNPs on broiler performance using levels of 4, 8 and 12 ppm in drinking water and showed that AgNPs had no significant effect. in increasing body weight.

Felehgari et al. (2013) studied the effects of AgNPs on broiler performance and digestion during the warm-up period at 25 and 50 ppm and found that AgNPs had no significant effect on viable body weight. with the control. The positive reaction results may be due to the antibacterial properties of nanosilver affecting microbial populations without causing drug resistance and an increase in anabolic activity that could lead to stimulation of growth and growth of animal and metabolic rate, therefore, this can lead to an improvement in broiler growth (Usama, 2012).

Table 2: Effects of dietary supplementation of nanosilver particles (AgNP) on broiler body weight (BW) and body weight gain (BWG)

Khoi-luong-co-the-và-tang-khoi-luong-co-the-khi-su-dung-nano-bac Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

a, b and c Meaning that in the same row there are not significantly different generic meta-characters (p <0.05) T1: Control, T2: 2 ppm AgNPs / kg, T3: 4 ppm AgNPs / kg, T4: 6 ppm AgNPs / kg, T5: 8 ppm AgNPs / kg and T6: 10 ppm AgNPs / kg

  • Feed amount and feed conversion rate

The effects of nanosilver on feed intake and feed conversion rates are shown in Table 3. Feed intake was increased by adding AgNPs. There was no significant difference in FI 1 (7-14 d) and FI 2 (15-28 d) between all the treatments studied except for T6 (10 ppm) in FI 2, noted in the the food was significantly highest (1489 g).

Meanwhile, T6 and T1 in FI 3 (29-35 d) and OFI (7-35 d) recorded the lowest FI compared to other treatments. The worst feed conversion rates (FCR) were observed in control treatment for FCR1, FCR2 and OFCR. Although there was no significant difference in OFCR between T2, T3, T4 and T5, they significantly recorded the best feed conversion rates compared to controls (T1) and (T6). Quantitatively, T3 (4 ppm) obtained the best FCR (1.5) of all studied treatments. Similar results were obtained by Andi et al. (2011) showed that increased feed intake and feed conversion improved over the total time (1-42 days) by using nanotubes in broiler diets.

In addition, Ahmadi (2009) studied the effect of different nanoscale levels (300, 600 and 900 ppm / kg diet) on broiler performance and showed that 900 ppm of nanoparticles improved the rate of convert food relative to other treatments and increase food intake. In contrast, Ahmadi (2011) found that adding AgNP to the diet at 20, 40 and 60 ppm reduced broiler feed conversion tendency compared to the control group. In this regard, Hassanabadi et al. . indicates the same feed conversion rates for the AgNP-fed birds and the vaccinated group. In contrast, Felehgari et al. (2013) found that 25 and 50 ppm AgNPs used in broiler diets had no significant effect on feed intake and FCR compared to controls.

In addition, Ahmadi (2011) showed that the addition of nanosilver (20, 40 and 60 ppm / kg) improved feed intake and broiler feed conversion rates over a 42-day trial period. These results may be due to the effect of silver ions on harmful bacteria in the gut and lead to a healthier posterior gut and better nutrient absorption (Andi et al., 2011). The European Production Efficiency Index (EPEI) has been calculated and AgNPs seem to have increased EPEI in all the treatments receiving nanosilver. Quantitatively, T3 (4 ppm) recorded the best EPEI, at 374, of all treatments.

Table 3: Effect of silver nanoparticle (AgNP) dietary supplementation on feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR)
Luong-thuc-an-va-ti-le-chuyen-doi-thuc-an-khi-bo-sung-nano-bac Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

a, b, and c Meaning that in the same row there are not significantly different generic meta-characters (p <0.05). * EPEI: European production efficiency index T1: Control, T2: 2 ppm AgNPs / kg, T3: 4 ppm AgNPs / kg, T4: 6 ppm AgNPs / kg, T5: 8 ppm AgNPs / kg and T6: 10 ppm AgNPs / kg.

  • Carcass characteristics

The effects of AgNP in the diet on the percentage of carcass and relative weight of the organs are shown in Table 4. No significant effects were observed between all treatments. value for the expected percentage of carcasses T3 (4 ppm) recorded by highest weight and T6 (10 ppm) lowest. Similar trends have been observed for percentages.

On the other hand, the addition of AgNP had no effect (p <0.5) on the ratio of liver, heart and spleen. % Belly fat (p <0.05) except T6 (10 ppm) was reported as the highest value of belly fat compared to the control group. Similarly, Ahmadi and Rahimi (2011) reported that AgNP levels 4, 8 and 12 ppm significantly increased the weight of the small intestine and abdominal fat compared with control and had no effect on liver weight and gizzard. In addition, Ahmadi and Kurdestani (2010) reported a lower scrotum weight and increased weight of the spleen and thymus. Felehgari et al. (2013) noted that AgNP significantly increased the small intestine and liver but had no effects on the heart, gizzard, stomach, and pancreas.

While Andi et al (2011) showed that AgNP had a negative effect on liver weight relative to viable body weight. These results may be due to the nanosilver effect on the microbial population and may vary the ratio between pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms in the cecum. Cholesterol was significantly reduced in T2, T3 and T4 compared with the control. All AgNP levels have a significant effect on AST except T5. Total serum antioxidant activity was significantly increased at all dietary AgNP levels compared to the control, with T3 recorded at the highest values ​​followed by T5 and T4. Similar results were obtained by Ahmadi and Kurdestani (2010), who studied the effects of different nanoscale levels (5, 15 and 25 ppm) in drinking water and showed that nanosilver had a significant effect on Total enzymes cause oxidative stress compared with controller treatment.

However, in the administration of AgNP of broiler eggs there was no effect on serum biochemical parameters (Sikorska et al., 2010). Ahmadi (2011) showed that ALT, AST, Albumin and cholesterol were significantly affected by nanosilver (20, 40 and 60 ppm / kg diet) in chicks. On the other hand, Andi et al. (2011) found that AgNP had no effect on ALT and AST. In addition, Sawosz et al. (2009) reported that nanosilver particles had no effect on the activity of enzymes, AST, ALT and cholesterol in the activity of stressful enzymes, AST, ALT and cholesterol. causing fat peroxidation in the body (Ahmadi, 2011).

Table 4: Effects of silver nanoparticles in diets (AgNPs) on carcasses and relative body weight at 35 days of broiler age

Khoi-luong-than-thit-va-noi-tang-khi-bo-sung-nano-bac Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

a, b, c, and d are significant in the same row, in each period with different numbers being significantly different (p <0.05)
T1: Control, T2: 2 ppm AgNPs / kg, T3: 4 ppm AgNPs / kg, T4: 6 ppm AgNPs / kg, T5: 8 ppm AgNPs / kg and T6: 10 ppm AgNPs / kg

  • Ingredients blood

The effect of the nanosilver diet on blood components is presented in Table 5. Total protein in serum is increased with increasing AgNPs level with, T5 recorded the best total protein value followed by T4. A similar trend is obtained with serum globulin. The highest value of albumin was obtained using 10 ppm AgNPs (T6) while T3 recorded the lowest. Total serum lipids were significantly reduced in all treatments compared with the control. Cholesterol was significantly reduced in T2, T3 and T4 compared with the control group.

All AgNP levels have a significant effect on AST except T5. The total serum antioxidant activity was significantly increased at all dietary AgNP levels compared with the control, with T3 noted as AgNP in the diet compared to the control, the next highest value being T5 and T4. Similar results were performed by Ahmadi and Kurdestani (2010), who studied the effects of different nanoscale levels (5, 15 and 25 ppm) in drinking water and showed that nano-nano had a significant effect. including total oxidative stress enzymes compared with controller treatment.

However, injecting AgNPs in ovo into broiler eggs did not affect serum biochemical parameters (Sikorska et al., 2010). Ahmadi (2011) showed that ALT, AST, Albumin and cholesterol were significantly affected by nano use (20, 40 and 60 ppm / kg diet) in broilers. On the other hand Andi et al. (2011) found that nano silver had no effect on ALT and AST. In addition, Sawosz et al. (2009) reported that silver nanoparticles did not affect the activity of enzymes, AST, ALT and cholesterol in quail serum. These effects may be related to oxidative stress that induces fat peroxidation in the body (Ahmadi, 2011).

Table 5: Effects of nano-diets (AgNPs) on broiler blood components

Thanh-phan-mau-ga-thit-khi-bo-sung-nano-bac-800x162 Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

  • Total bacteria

The results of the effect of nanosilver on cecal bacteria (total lactobacillus and E. coli) in broilers are shown in Table 6. Broiler chickens fed different AgNP levels decreased the number of microbes. The representative harmful bacteria were E. coli compared with the control and did not affect the microflora denoted as lactobacillus.

This study also agrees with Fondevila et al. (2009) who studied supplement levels of AgNPs 0, 25, 50 and 100 ppm in vitro and found that the rate of ileum content of coliforms decreased while there was no effect on lactobacillus rates. In addition, Blomberg et al. (1993) found that metallic silver nanoparticles would reduce the viability of potentially harmful organisms, such as coliforms, while it did not affect lactobacilli, they actively competed against re-multiply pathogens and reduce their virulence.

On the other hand, Sawosz et al. (2007) investigated that 25 mg / kg of AgNPs supplementation in quail drinking water significantly increased the number of gram-positive bacteria (Lactobacillusspp, Leuconostoclactis Actinomycesnaeslundii) compared with control birds. The mechanism of inhibitory effect of AgNPs is higher in the case of Gram-negative bacteria. This may be because the thickness of the peptidoglycan layer in the cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria may inhibit to some extent.

Yoon et al. (2007) observed a higher effect of silver nanoparticles on Bacillus subtilis than on Es-cherichia coli, suggesting selective antibacterial effects, possibly related to the structure of bacterial membranes, although Singh et al. (2008) assumes a higher sensitivity of Gram-negative bacteria to treatment with nanoparticles. It can be concluded that the addition of nano-silver to broiler diets will improve performance. The best rate is 4 ppm / kg serving. More research is needed to learn more about the advantages of using nanoparticles in poultry production.

Table 6: Effects of AgNPs on total lactobacilli and E. coli in broilers

Tong-so-vi-khuan-khi-bo-sung-nano-bac-800x148 Nanosilver is effective in stimulating growth in broilers

* More than 300 cfu / 10 g of sample: means the sheet cannot be counted
T1: Control, T2: 2 ppm AgNPs / kg, T3: 4 ppm AgNPs / kg, T4: 6 ppm AgNPs / kg, T5: 8 ppm AgNPs / kg and T6: 10 ppm AgNPs / kg


Results of the effects of AgNP on cecum concentrations (total lactobacillus and E. coli) in broilers are shown in Table 6. Broilers fed different levels of AgNP resulted in a decrease in the number of bacteria. harmful as E.coli and has no effect on the lactobacillus representative microbiota.

This study agrees well with Fondevila et al. (2009) studied the additions of AgNP as 0, 25, 50 and 100 ppm in vitro and found that the proportion of ileal coliforms decreased while not affecting the lactobacillus ratio. In addition, Blomberg et al. (1993) found that metallic nanosilver particles would reduce the viability of organisms with harmful effects, such as coliforms, while it did not affect lactobacillus, actively competed against the multiplication of pathogens and reducing their virulence.

On the other hand, Sawosz et al. (2007) investigated that 25 mg / kg of AgNP supplementation orally supplemented with bacterial quails (Lactobacillusspp, Leuconostoclactis Actinomycesnaeslundii) compared with control birds. The mechanism of inhibitory effect of AgNP is higher in the case of gram-negative bacteria. This may be because the thickness of the peptidoglycan layer in the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria may suppress to some extent.

Yoon et al. (2007) observed a higher effect of silver nanoparticles on Bacillus subtilis than on Es-cherichia coli, suggesting selective antibacterial effects, possibly related to the structure of bacterial membranes, although Singh et al. (2008) assumes a higher sensitivity of gram negative bacteria to the treatment of nanoparticles. It can be concluded that adding nanosilver to broiler diet improves performance. The best level is a 4 ppm / kg diet. More research is needed to study the more advantages of using nanotubes in poultry production.

Reference: Effect of Dietary Nanosilver on Broiler Performance

Kout Elkloub, M. El. Moustafa1, A.A. Ghazalah2 and A.A.A. Rehan, Institute of Animal Production Research, Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza, Egypt, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt